Welcome to MaranthaB

Go Not Where
Go where there is no trail and leave a path

Have you ever felt pigeon-holed? Trapped in a box? I know so many people who went to law school because they wanted a good job and just didn’t know what else to do with their smarts. Crazy right? But once you are branded as a lawyer, people have all sorts of expectations and assumptions about you … and they aren’t all positive. If this description rings a bell for you, please stay for awhile.

Leaving the Law

I’ve been trying to leave the law since my second year of law school. I finally find myself at a place in life where I can pursue an actual passion: writing. This is my space to launch that exploration, and I invite you to come along for the trip. I’ll endeavor to provoke your thoughts along the way.

WARNING: Word to the wise…I have a tendency to overshare.

Nice napping position, Loki cat.

For now, comments are open on my blog posts and I understand that haters gonna hate. I also know that writers are sensitive flowers and likewise, I am not immune to bullies. So, let it be known that if I deem something hurtful or even not helpful, I’ll delete it without delay.

Love, Marantha
